See What’s New At Rolling Hills
Update from the Administrator 12-15-2022
DATE: 12/14/2022 Dear Residents, Families and Representatives, We had one staff person test positive for COVID-19 today. We are reviewing contacts to determine if there were any close contacts with residents and staff. We will test anyone identified as having close contact with the staff person as defined by CDC …
November News and Pictures
November in Pictures 2022
Happy Halloween in Pictures
October at Rolling Hills in Pictures
September in pictures
September in pictures
Update from the Administrator 9/21/2022
DATE: 09/21/2022 Dear Residents, Families and Representatives, We had one staff person test positive for COVID-19 today. We are reviewing contacts to determine if there were any close contacts with residents and staff. We will do testing of all residents and staff identified to have had significant contacts as …
Update from the Administrator 9-9-2022
DATE: 09/09/2022 Dear Residents, Families and Representatives, We have had two staff test positive for COVID-19 during routine testing during the past week. We are reviewing contacts to determine if there were any close contacts with residents. We will do testing of any residents and staff identified to have had …
Last week of August and pictures at our new home
The end of August and a start in the new home
Update from administrator 8/29/2022
DATE: 08/29/2022 Dear Residents, Families and Representatives, We had one staff person test positive for COVID-19 during routine testing at the end of last week. The staff person has not had any close contact with residents and will be off of work until they test negative. We continue to monitor …
2nd week of August in Pictures
2nd week of August in pictures
Update from Administrator 8-6-22
DATE: 08/06/2022 Dear Residents, Families and Representatives, I am writing to inform you that we had a staff person develop symptoms and test positive for COVID-19 today. The staff person has not had any close contact with residents and will be off of work until recovered. We had an additional …
First week of August in Pictures
First week of August in pictures
Update from the Administrator 7-29-2022
DATE: 07/29/2022 Dear Residents, Families and Representatives, I am writing to inform you that we had an additional staff person develop symptoms and test positive for COVID-19 this week. The staff person has not had any contact with residents and will be off of work until recovered. We are monitoring …