Contact Rolling Hills in Sparta, Wisconsin
“The lives of the residents are touched daily by the activity department. I have been fortunate to have worked alongside each of you. The time that I spent at Rolling Hills as affirmed my decision to work in a long term care setting. Thank you for everything!”
-Madi, Activity and Support Aid
Take a Virtual Tour
Take a tour of Rolling Hills and view our expansive facilities located in the scenic valleys and hills of the Coulee Region in Sparta, Wisconsin.
Department Directory & Staff at Rolling Hills
Business Service Director- Chelsea Karacson
Phone: (608) 269-8818
Social Services / Admissions – Christine Nelson and Justine Lietzau
E-mail Christine:
E-mail Justine:
Call Christine: (608) 269-8817
Call Justine: (608)-269-8824
Maintenance Supervisor
Phone: (608) 269-8794
Prairie Hills Apartments-Justine Lietzau
Phone: (608) 269-8824
Nursing Station Directory
Willow Lane Household (Rooms 100-115)
Phone: (608) 269-8840
Birchwood Household (Rooms 131-147)
Phone: (608) 269-8850
Pineview Household (Rooms 116-130)
Phone: (608) 269-8863
Meadows West (Rooms 148-158)
Phone: (608) 269-8820
Meadows North (Rooms 159-169)
Phone: (608) 269-8879
Prairie Hills Apartments
Phone: (608) 269-8806
Join the Team at Rolling Hills
Want to find out more about joining the team at Rolling Hills? Rolling Hills employs many talented doctors, nurses, CNAs, and other staff members who help make life at Rolling Hills a home.