Update from Administrator 4-1-23
DATE: 04/01/2023
Dear Residents, Families and Representatives,
We had no positive cases reported to us on Friday. Today we received notification of one additional positive resident and one staff person. The total COVID-19 cases in this outbreak is 27 residents and 14 staff. These numbers are the combined numbers for our entire community including the nursing home and assisted living.
I am happy to report that some of our first residents have recovered and are now coming off of precautions. The process of coming out of outbreak will be a slow one as each resident will need at least 10 days from the onset of symptoms or positive test result before they are considered to be recovered. Many staff are also recovering and returning to work over the next few days.
We are not out of the woods yet and we may well have new cases pop up. It is good to see that the outbreak seems to be slowing and overall residents and staff have had fairly mild cases. Most are experiencing stuffy noses, headaches, coughing and fatigue. We remain vigilant for symptoms in residents and staff and continue to test frequently. Some of the cases we are catching through repeated testing have no symptoms but could have easily spread it to others without even knowing. Staff in all departments are working hard to contain the outbreak and to provide good care to all residents.
I will continue to keep you informed as we work our way through this outbreak. Be sure to reach out if you have any questions or if there is something we can do to help you stay in touch with your loved ones.
Linda Smith LNHA